This pickup was a custom made homework for my friend Till Hoheneder, a German musician, comedian & author. He wanted to have a typical Strat bridge pickup with the gain and midrange of a good Telecaster bridge pickup in order to compensate the loss of gain when changing from his Esquire to his Strat during a set. Mission impossible? So I came up with the ST60 Tillcaster bridge pickup: Although slightly overwound it´s sonically a typical Kloppmann! Gainy with a chimey top end, punchy and dirty – but always with clarity, definition and superb string seperation! And the best: the ST Tillcaster has not lost his Strat identity. A perfect choice for fans of Billy Gibbons or Keith Richards and a best kept secret for Hardtail Strats.
ST Real 62 Tillcaster clean:
ST Real 62 Tillcaster crunch:
ST Real 62 Tillcaster driven:
Till Hoheneder - Author (u. a. für Comedians, Fernsehen & Film, Stern Online), Musician (Till & Die Altobellis / Hausband für Atzes Sommer / Ex Till & Obel) and Comedian (Qutasch Comedy Club / Schillerstraße / Genial daneben / Nightwash / Samstag Nacht / Lachen verboten u.v.m.)

Oh yes, it´s Stratty alright! I has all the bite and honk in the mid positions, but something is different. Till Hoheneders Tillcaster Set cries out loud and clear: “Lean, mean and DIRTY!“. Lean, mean and dirty! The young Gary Moore springs to mind… John Frusciante and all those who like a shot of dirt in their Strat sound. These guys all like to go straight into their amps and control the dynamics with the pickups, the stroke of their picks and the volume control. But one more thing is still on here: the Tillcaster Set can also play clean! Other pickups might sound finer and more elegant but if you have fallen in love with this radiant and completely filthy little rowdy you won´t look any further than the Real 62 Tillcaster!
Das war ja klar. Kaum hatte Till Hoheneder seinen Stratocaster ST 60 Tillcaster Bridgepickup, da bearbeitete er mich solange, bis ich ihm auch einen speziellen Tillcaster-Bridgepickup für seine Toploader Esquire kreierte! Wenn der normale TL 60 Bridge ein Dobermann ist, dann knurrt der TL 60 Tillcaster wie ein Rottweiler!

Till Hoheneder